Woman Beats Depression By Being Friends With Sharks, Pigs And Stingrays

Woman Beats Depression By Being Friends With Sharks, Pigs And Stingrays

Depression is a situation which is not less than a disease. A person goes through a lot during depression that they often even end up killing themselves. In such severe condition a patient suffering from depression should get busy or involved with something that keeps them diverted and occupied. And medicines are not just enough for the treatment to it. Seems, like this girl from knows this thing better, she fights back depression by befriending with sharks and stingrays.

Amelia Klonaris

This woman beats depression by being friends with sharks, pigs and stingrays

  • Amelia Klonaris found her way to beat depression by being friends with sea creatures. She took some awesome selfies with her sea friends in the Bahamas.
  • She loves the way she is founding her way out to beat the condition she was suffering from.
  • She says “I love capturing moments and being able to look back on them. I love all types of photography, mostly underwater or anywhere on the water.”
  • The 23 years old woman takes some underwater selfies with turtles and even sharks. 
  • She shares some amazing pictures taken by herself, where she is surrounded by fishes as if they are also posing for a group selfie.
  • “Being underwater is like being in a whole different world- it’s very peaceful and you interact with some pretty cool animals. “Says the, 23 years old dive guide.
  • One can tell by her words that how positively she is recovering from her depression “I never was good in school but still I went on to college I had this idea in my head that I was supposed to go into business just like all my friends were doing, I became super depressed. Then I moved back home and started all of my diving course, and went on to become an instructor.”
  • She proudly says that she loves what she is doing now and she has never been happier. 
  • “My message for young people would be to find your niche and so what you love- life is too short to be unhappy.” Says the young diver.