WHO States that CBD is not Addictive!


More and more people are approaching the world of CBD, an acronym for cannabidiol that is a metabolite of hemp Sativa, due to the many beneficial properties on our body that this substance can ensure.

Besides, you can now buy the best CBD Weed and other CBD oils and CBD products online legally as CBD is now recognized as a safe product.

We know that CBD can have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect since it can reduce pain perception. It also acts as an anxiolytic counteracting the symptoms associated with PTSD and OCD. In addition, it has antiemetic, anticonvulsant properties and is known for its calming effects and its ability to promote the restoration of the circadian cycle (sleep-wake).

Why use CBD products?

There is undoubtedly CBD oil among the products that are slowly becoming part of our daily routine because they guarantee a quick and safe injection of well-being.

How is it taken? The most common method is the sublingual one: a few drops are made to fall under the tongue and then wait a few minutes for absorption by the oral cavity walls.

Despite a wall of mistrust that is often difficult to break down, things are now changing globally also because a different awareness is spreading about the effects and characteristics of CBD, which has no psychoactive or psychotropic effects, unlike what happens instead with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

The World Health Organization (WHO) released a summary of the report produced during a meeting on the legality of CBD. The document is available online and was presented by a committee of experts who questioned themselves on addiction. However, it has emerged that CBD is not dangerous and has an exciting potential from a medical point of view.

It is stated explicitly in the report that this substance offers essential health benefits without jeopardizing public health in any way. It is also specified to stay on the subject of addictions, as there is no possibility of developing one differently from what happens instead with THC.

CBD for the treatment of certain diseases

Based on the first confirmations received, the research also questions the ability of CBD to be effective in the treatment of certain diseases such as epilepsy (both in children and animals).

Furthermore, first and encouraging evidence has emerged that CBD may positively influence the treatment of serious diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and more. CBD is already legal in many countries worldwide, so the road is no longer as uphill as it seemed just a few years ago.

The document also noted that in many cases, specific adverse reactions might have been caused by drug interactions between CBD and other medicines taken by the patient.

What concerns the CBD is a fascinating discussion destined to lead in the short term in always new updates. Of course, the well-being of people is always put at the centre of research. However – it will be helpful to specify – CBD can also be successfully used to improve the conditions of animals, especially if they are suffering from an adverse condition or have a painful pathology.

CBD: from treating chronic pain to helping fight cancer …

Chronic pain

In 2017, a report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine had investigated the possible benefits of the substance against chronic pain. The report highlighted the fact that cannabinoid-treated patients were more likely to experience significant pain relief.

Then, a few months ago, a group of Canadian researchers returned to work on the subject with a study published in the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, which evaluated the effectiveness of cannabis on pain in around 1,000 patients.

Most of the people who completed the study relied on marijuana for pain relief, and the results showed improvement in pain intensity and overall health symptoms. In some countries, medical cannabis can combat chronic pain if traditional treatments have not proved effective.

Nausea and vomit

Cannabis and cannabinoids have also been studied concerning nausea and vomiting caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the two leading cancer treatments. Several studies have been conducted in this direction and have demonstrated the benefits of medical marijuana against nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite, linked to anticancer treatments.

A recent study demonstrated the effectiveness of CBD in countering and reducing nausea and vomiting. In addition, several cannabis-based medicines have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, used to treat these symptoms.

Also, in some European countries, the ministries of Health approves the use of medical cannabis for this purpose.

Tumours and CBD

Medical marijuana can also be effective against several types of cancer. In 2007, for example, a group of researchers from San Francisco conducted a study showing the potential of cannabidiol (CBD), which proved to inhibit one of the critical regulators of the metastatic potential of breast cancer.

Cannabinoids – concluded the researchers – reduce the growth of aggressive human breast cancer cells.

Later, in 2014, cannabinoids were also identified as growth inhibitors of glioma, a tumour of the central nervous system. By studying the effect of THC and CBD, both alone and in combination with radiotherapy, the researchers concluded the possibility of cannabinoids stimulating glioma cells to respond better to ionizing radiation and suggest potential clinical benefit.

CBD, therefore, appears to have anti-arthritic properties, which could help patients fight inflammation.

And, remember that you can now legally order and buy the best CD online at JustBob.shop and use CBD oils and other CBD products for your daily routine.

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