What is Gastric Bypass Revision?

Gastric Bypass Revision

What is gastric bypass revision? This is one of the bariatric programs used for weight loss. It sometimes happens that obese people who have undergone gastric surgery still cannot lose weight and achieve optimal weight loss results. In such a situation, the doctor may order a gastric bypass revision. What should you know about this procedure?

  • Basic information about gastric bypass revision
  • Convalescence after endoscopic revisional bariatric surgery

Basic information about gastric bypass revision

Gastric bypass revision involves reducing the outlet of the stomach in an outpatient setting. Revision obesity surgery study is performed orally. In this surgical treatment of obesity, sutures are used to tighten the gastrofrontal anastomosis. At the same time, it allows you to restore a stomach’s pre-procedure size if the patient has gained weight again after trying to lose weight.

This minor bariatric surgery is actually a procedure that is performed endoscopically. It is performed on an outpatient basis. A small tube with a camera is inserted through the mouth into the stomach to restore it to its original size. The entire procedure is performed under anaesthesia. The patient does not require hospitalisation and can return home. This approach can reduce the significant risk of complications.

This method helps with the recurrence of obesity and facilitates further weight reduction. After the treatment, patients feel full again after small portions of meals and may notice weight loss if their problem is insufficient weight loss despite previous surgery.

The procedure takes about 30 minutes. After this time, the patient is in the recovery room and stays there for about two hours. If everything is fine, he can go home.

Convalescence after endoscopic revisional bariatric surgery

After revision surgery performed endoscopically, it is good to have someone to take the patient home. This is due to the fact that the patient received anaesthesia during the entire procedure and cannot drive a car on that day.

Patients after this endoscopic procedure are people who may complain of nausea and pain in the upper abdomen. If you experience such symptoms, you can take medications prescribed by your doctor to alleviate these symptoms.

It is best to stay at home for a few days after the procedure and rest. You cannot lift heavy objects or overload your body during intense exercise or other demanding daily activities.

Comparison of surgical and endoscopic methods shows large differences between them.

Thanks to the endoscopic method, patients do not have to undergo surgery again. It does not leave scars or scalpel cuts. It facilitates quick recovery, shortens hospitalisation and increases the chance of losing additional kilograms.

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