What Corporate Housing Is And How To Find It

What Corporate Housing Is

In 2018, travel rose to 6% at about 1.3 billion people. If you’re looking to travel and need an office for a business trip, then you’re in luck. 

This article will define what corporate housing is and why it’s important. Read on to explore more about this convenient option for the next time you travel for business and need a play to stay!

What Is Corporate Housing?

You might ask yourself, what is corporate housing? This is a type of short-term rental for business. It’s a great option when you need to rent a living space for months or more. 

Corporate apartments come with many of the commodities similar to a regular apartment. You might have separate living spaces, kitchens, bathrooms, etc.

It tends to be larger than a traditional hotel room. They can be condos, houses, townhouses, etc. This will allow you to enjoy the benefits of this home such as grilling areas, fitness centers, business centers, etc. 

When Should You Use It? 

Many times it’s intended for business travelers and the employer or company will pay for business travel including corporate housing. If you’re planning to be in a spot for only a couple of months then corporate housing might be an option for you as well.


It’s a great option for when you move to a new location and need a temporary place to stay. If you find yourself out of your home due to a natural disaster or other reason it’s a great option as well. 


Interns enjoy staying in corporate housing as well. Some employers will offer you a stipend toward housing costs during your time as an intern. 


Healthcare workers such as those in travel nursing benefit from corporate housing. This allows them to have a place to stay while they’re in an area working for the short term. 


Those in the entertainment industry such as sports teams will stay in corporate housing. If they’re required to stay near the facility and it’s the off-season, corporations will pay for them to stay nearby. If you’re a large team then you’ll want to call in advance to make sure that they’ll have enough housing available for your team. 

Long Vacations

For those looking for a longer vacation, you can check out cabins, RVs, and hotels. For more room check out serviced apartments to enjoy more perks for a feeling of being home. 

The Length of Corporate Housing

When you’re looking for housing for a long-term assignment then the good news is that the minimum is normally to stay for a couple of weeks. Many of those in corporate housing stay for a few months. 

If you need to stay longer, they’ll often work with you. This means that if you find out that your business trip is extended then you’ll have the flexibility to extend your stay. Some properties might even allow you to do month-to-month options. 

Exploring the Benefits of Corporate Housing

One of the top benefits is enjoying the amenities at the location. This can include lounges, fitness centers, pools, and many other options. They’re often less expensive than a hotel as well. 

Another major benefit is that they tend to be one flat fee. This will cover the different furnishings, Wifi, and cable. There aren’t normally added fees for using the amenities or utilities. 

Many will come fully furnished as well. That means not having to worry about whether you have the correct furniture or other amenities. You might be able to find single-family homes as well. 

Hotels vs Corporate Housing

Corporate housing gives you plenty of privacy, unlike a hotel. In hotels, you might experience loud noise levels and interruptions. Corporate housing tries to give you an experience that’s more like home. 

More Room

The other benefit is that with this type of housing you’ll have plenty of room to stretch out after a long day. A hotel room tends to be small and you’ll have to walk through a lobby each time you want to get to your room. 


Hotels normally don’t cater to business professionals. This type of lodging will cater to your needs. Always choose a reputable company to book your corporate housing through. 


While many hotels don’t allow you to bring your pet, there are numerous corporate housing facilities that do. There might be a security deposit or pet fee when you bring your pet along. It’s normally lower than hotel fees as well. 

Separate Bathrooms and Bedrooms

If you’re staying with multiple people it might be nice to have separate bedrooms and bathrooms. Corporate housing can offer that. Many corporate housing locations are in community locations to feel like you’re back at home. 

Finding Corporate Housing

In order to find corporate housing where you’re going, you can type in corporate housing into the search engines. You can also check with your company and see if they have a recommendation for corporate housing. Check out the company’s reviews and ratings online before choosing them. 

Exploring What Corporate Housing Is

Now that you’ve explored this guide on what corporate housing is, you should have a better idea if it’s right for you. Take your time deciding if corporate housing is right for you, and if so, then where. 

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