What Are the Best Features of Mavenlink Software?

Mavenlink Software

Mavenlink offers an affordable, straightforward PSA (Professional Services Automation) solution for various types of business. The software allows you to optimize various business processes and keep on top of all of your projects. So it comes as no surprise that it’s becoming a common topic of conversation in business circles the world over.

However, not everyone’s sure of what all the fuss is about. For those interested in what makes Mavenlink special, and sets it apart from other PSA solutions — keep reading. In this article, we’ll talk about all of the features that make Mavenlink a true stand out and an absolute necessity for a business.

Thorough Financial Tracking

Mavenlink has recently launched an innovative tool that helps you manage your finances in a more optimal way. With this feature, you’ll be able to review and stay on top of all of the finances, through several key categories. You’ll be able to keep track of paid invoices, accounts receivable, and WIP (work in progress), all from a single page. 

The reports for accounts receivable enable you to view the payment status on a project level, allowing you to efficiently manage any outstanding invoices. Additionally, you can break down the WIP reports according to a project and individual tasks. Thus, you’ll have full insight into all costs, and will never miss a payment or have any of the finances slip through the cracks.

Collaboration Made Easy

Mavenlink’s file-sharing features allow you to place all of the necessary files in one convenient place and share them based on assigned roles. Thus, eliminating the need to dig through numerous emails, or search for documents across several platforms.

Also, through the Feedback Collaboration & Proofing feature, you’ll be able to efficiently keep track of all communications across all management levels. All of these features allow you and your employees to save a great deal of time while working on various projects. Thus, you’ll optimize your workflow, precision, and efficiency, and diminish operating costs as well as the margin of error.

Pro tip: Consider investing in Mavenlink training for your entire company, to ensure the software and its features are implemented and used as intended — and to the best of their capabilities.

Organize Your Time and Workload More Efficiently With the Task Tracker

With its nifty Task Tracker feature, Mavenlink helps you organize your time, projects, and workload much more efficiently. So, you’ll be able to reduce the time and effort needed for the organization of your projects and spend more time focusing on the actual workload. 

Within the Task Tracker feature, you can categorize your activities as either: deliverables, tasks, issues or milestones, and set up different hierarchies for them. You’ll also be able to add subtasks and utilize the “Time Tracking” features, to ensure each stage of a project is completed on time.

Mavenlink’s organizational features also allow you to achieve full transparency with both your clients and employees. Namely, by having a structured workflow and priorities clearly outlined and laid out, the employees will surely be able to operate better. Not to mention, your clients will definitely appreciate being kept in the loop more, and getting paid faster.

Final Thoughts

Mavenlink’s innovative, powerful features are what make this tool one of the leading PSA solutions on the market. So, if you choose to master them, you’ll be able to optimize your business processes and take your organization to the next level.

Read Also : A Business Owner’s Guide to the Best Package Tracking Software