Wearable Technology and IoT Are Transforming The Healthcare Industry

IoT Are Transforming The Healthcare Industry

Since day one healthcare industry is considered as one of the most crucial industries all around the world. The importance of this industry has skyrocketed since the beginning of the pandemic; during which this industry proven its integral role. 

Different technological and IoT advancements in this industry is welcomed as it can possibly transformed the healthcare industry for the better entirely. 

To provide a crystal clear picture, some ways how wearable IoT and technology is helping out and improving the healthcare industry have been mentioned next. So, read on to know more.

Better accessibility

Surgeons and doctors with its help can improve their performance. With it, they can accurately, easily, and quickly collect and analyze health data of their patients remotely. 

There is a feature in IoT devices now that when connected to the “cloud”, provide real-time data into different symptoms. There is also the advantage provided by advance technology and NetSuite managed services that can allow remote care effectively. 

IoT technology in healthcare can provide timely and accurate information to healthcare professionals. As a result, there will be a reduction of errors, and that will lead to improvement of patients’ confidence.

Quicker reaction

The facilitation of processes is the main impact of wearable technology and IoT in healthcare. As per most doctors, monitoring the health of their patients in real-time is made easy with it.

Further data storage and analysis will be possible as IoT wearable devices and technologies can send messages to other IoT devices. As it can make the process quick, healthcare industry can benefit from it as it allows them to contact patients in danger immediately with just few taps/clicks.

The information provided by them is quite accurate. It can pick up on the smallest of deviations in the correct time. As a result, a doctor or a healthcare professional in-charge of a recovering or at-risk patient can take the required action, if necessary as quickly as possible which can even out the odds indefinitely.

There are now IoT wearable devices that can detect and monitor a patient’s calorie count, glucometer readings, heart rate, and other vital signs. This feature is transforming the healthcare industry as doctors are able to better manage their patients’ safety and health. They are also able to provide quick response because/with them.

Better medical compliance

One of the main reasons why wearables are transforming the healthcare industry is the newly added feature that can help chronic patients to better comply with the prescriptions of the healthcare providers.

More and more doctors are recommending and encouraging their patients to consider wearable technology and IoT devices. They are doing this because their patients will then take their medication regularly and timely with its help. As a result, the doctor can then better control the changes in conditions of their patients in terms of treatment more effectually and objectively.

The wearables have change the game in healthcare industry as the different technologies and devices can provide notification to take medication to the patient according to his/her vitals. Some devices can now detect changes in your vitals like changes in glucose level or heart rate or breathing. It will then send reminders to take the needed medication or apply necessary inhalations based on the changes in the vital reading.

Simplifying diagnosing

During pandemic there has been this sudden increase in the popularity of wearables that has transformed the healthcare industry for the better. Doctors and patients were granted with simplified diagnosing with it. 

During a time of crisis, wearables showed that it can allow patients to self-diagnose effectively their own health conditions. As a result, these wearable technology and IoT devices helped hospitals and other medical centers by reducing unnecessary visits by patients. So, in a way it saved time and money of both patients and doctors.

These wearables provide different health data which the healthcare professional can gather remotely. Based on the collected data, doctors can provide the diagnosis. Before these wearables, patients had to come in for test to know what their health status is. However, it has transformed the healthcare industry as now more health data can be obtain from these wearables, making the diagnosing process quicker. 


These were just some ways how different wearable technology and IoT are transforming the healthcare industry for the better. From seamless virtual communication with patients to effectual patient information accessibility, several areas of healthcare can enjoy certain benefits because of the different wearables available in the healthcare market. 

Due to pandemic, there has been a major rise in the use of NetSuite managed services and wearable technology and IoT. As per recent statistics, this rise is showing no signs of slowing down.