Time Management for Studying: top 10 tips

Time Management for Studying

There is no doubt that managing university can be quite hard. Especially, when you need to find balance between your lectures, research papers, exams with work or some other side projects. Nevertheless, going through this period is possible, but in order not to lose your mind, you probably need to use some tips to manage your time. We’ve prepared some of them here. The other option, of course, would be to look for thesis papers for sale and avoid extra stress in your academic life.

Generally, to learn time management techniques is very useful. You will know how to prioritize tasks and you will be able to meet deadlines in any sphere of life. Students, in particular, learn to plan and evaluate the time they need for their projects completion. 

Mastering time management techniques will let students be more organized, self-assured, productive, and as a result perform better. Eventually, you will stop putting your tasks aside and start feeling more relaxed. 

So, what should you do in order to study successfully and effectively? 

  1. Try to have and follow an agenda. It is a simple, yet useful tip. Outlining your tasks and deadlines ahead will help you prioritize them. You will see the whole scope of your projects and therefore will not be able to procrastinate with them. In addition, you will not work overtime as you will know for sure the exact amount of time you allot to rest and how much time is for work. Having a proper schedule will help avoid wasting time like scrolling the news feed. Finally, you will get your assignment done.
  2. Get rid of distractions. Turn off your phone. If this is too radical for you, try to turn off notifications at least. In case of an emergency, people will call you. Anything else is less important by default. If your willpower is not that strong, you can try downloading special apps that will block your phone for the required period you set by yourself. 
  3. Always write down everything required to accomplish any task and preliminary estimate how much time the completion of the task takes. Then check if your estimation meets the actual time you spent and amend your schedule. People often overestimate their speed on fulfilling tasks, which leads to inadequate time assessment and overdue deadline. Perhaps, it is better to start from the hardest tasks if you spend too much time on simple ones. 
  4. Persevere and keep your goal in mind. Every time you have doubts and start procrastinating, remind yourself why you study, what your aim is. Motivate yourself by focusing on the future when you will be able to apply the knowledge professionally.
  5. Do not try to multitask. It is a bad idea to do several things at a time. You should concentrate only on one assignment until it is done well. Give your full attention to the top-priority task and then move to the next one in the list. 
  6. Start your day early. The earlier you start your work the earlier you finish it. That also means you will have more free time for your other activities in the evening.
  7. Get enough sleep. Do not let yourself stay up late studying for exams or writing your research papers. You need to have 8-10 hours of sleep to have the energy for the next day. Following your own timetable will help you not work extra hours and get enough rest every day.
  8. Have intermediate breaks while you study. Take 10-15 minute break to rest after every 30 minutes of work. That will help you stay focused when needed and not get tired soon. Trying to work long without breaks and hoping to complete the tasks faster, you, in fact, get easily distracted and loses concentration as your thoughts start wandering. Taking such breaks helps your brain recharge and be more active. 
  9. Start working on your papers as early as possible. Do not leave all the work right before the deadline. You may start by creating a plan for your paper, as it will reduce the stress and the fear of the blank page. In addition, procrastination will not take you over. Do not forget to write down the assignment deadline in your schedule and set yourself days and time slots when you are ready to work on it. 
  10. Delegate. If your current circumstances do not let you be efficient with your time or you need to manage everything at once and feel the lack of inner resources to do so, ask other people for help. Thus, you get free time for things that are higher priority to you right now.

It is not that hard to start managing your life. Just take into account abovementioned tips and you will see how many things you can complete in a short period. Planning and controlling do not bound you. On the contrary, they give you more time freedom away from work and study.

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