How To Speed Up The Shedding Of Hair After Using Laser Hair Removal?

Laser Hair Removal

You should do a bit of background research about laser hair removal before you move forward with it. Then you can expect to receive the best results out of it. During the research that you do on laser hair removal, you will notice that you will expect hair to shed after the treatments. However, it will take some time for shedding to happen and some of the people come across the need to get quicker results than it. That’s why you will need to understand how to speed up shedding of your hair after you use laser hair removal. Then you can end up with getting maximum results out of the treatment procedure.

Why does shedding take place?

Before we proceed, you need to understand why shedding takes place. The Bareskin Company says that laser hair removal process works by targeting on the pigments of your hair follicles. These hair follicles are in active growth phase, which is also called as anagen. When you go ahead with treatments, the hair follicles will shed and they will not regrow in the future. This process takes around one to three weeks to happen. In the meantime, they would look like stubble and blackheads. That’s where you will come across the need to shed your hair faster than the usual process. 

Getting your hair to shed faster than usual is something that you can do. All you have to do is to be aware about the correct steps that you must follow and stick to them at all times. Here are the steps that you need to follow in order to speed up the process of shedding your hair after you use laser hair removal. 

What can you do to speed up shedding your hair? 

If you notice that you are shedding your hair after a laser hair removal treatment, you don’t need to worry about anything. In fact, this is all what you expect to happen as well. But if you wish to speed up the process of shedding your hair, you must gently exfoliate the skin. Then you can end up with receiving accelerated results. You will need to use a body scrub or a shower loofah to get the job done. This varies on the sensitivity of the skin as well.

Depending on the sensitivity of the skin, you can exfoliate for one or three times per week. From the moment you begin to exfoliate, you will be able to receive positive results. In other words, you will notice how you are shedding your hair.

Can you remove your hair? 

In the meantime, you can think about removing your hair as well. The laser hair removal treatment procedure will not be able to help you with targeting every single hair follicle that you have on the skin. Therefore, you will need to go forward with multiple treatment sessions in order to remove hair within the target area. During this time period, you should shave your existing hair as well. However, you should not pluck it or wax it. 

What else can you do to get quick results out of laser hair removal? 

Accelerating the shedding of your hair is one of the best things that you can do to end up with receiving quick results. However, that’s not the only process that you will have to follow. Here are some more tips that you can follow in order to end up with getting quick results out of laser hair removal.

Shave at least 24 hours before the laser hair removal procedure 

You should shave around 24 hours before the treatment. Then you will be able to make the life easy for the technician to proceed with the treatment. In other words, the technician can easily locate hair follicles. Along with that, he will be able to remove hair follicles in an effective manner. This can make the overall treatment more effective and you will not have to wait for a longer period of time. This will also provide assistance to you with reducing the duration of your session as well.

Don’t pick or rub the treated area 

Once the laser hair removal treatment is completed, you should not pick or rub the area. You need to make sure that you are taking good care of it. However, you will come across the need to exfoliate the skin to accelerate the shedding process.

If you make the decision to go ahead with chemical exfoliation, you need to make sure that you are using a mild chemical. That’s because using a strong chemical can deliver adverse effects. Likewise, you must also make sure that you are using a gentle method to scrub your hair when you are following mechanical exfoliation method. Then you can ensure that you end up with receiving maximum results with shedding. 

You need to make sure that you are being gentle with the exfoliation method as much as possible. Before you go ahead with the exfoliation method, you must double check and see whether you are using anything rough. If you are using anything rough, you must refrain from it.

Don’t use sunscreen or tan 

When you are going for laser hair removal, you need to make sure that you keep the skin light as much as possible. Then you will be able to end up with getting maximum positive results out of laser hair removal. If you have sunburn, there is a high possibility for the skin to get irritated. Therefore, you must make sure that you are using a SPF 30+ sunscreen for a duration of around two weeks before the treatment.

Final words

Now you are aware of how to speed up the shedding of your hair after laser hair removal. Make sure that you follow these steps and get the best possible results out of it. Then you can end up with securing quality results at the end of the day.

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