‘Petrushka Underwater’ Shines Bright As Nicolás Halaban Pulls Off A Stunner

Nicolás Halaban

Stravinsky’s Petrushka is a name that any music lover would not take much time to recognise. The soundtrack is sure to take you to a serene state of mind. However, have you ever wondered about the impact it will create if the soundtrack is aligned with the marine life? Well, this is what Nicolás Halaban has managed to pull off. On the YouTube channel Petrushka Nature, the video Petrushka Underwater has been uploaded, and it is already grabbing popular attention. So, let’s see how this video version of Stravinsky’s Petrushka performed. 

Music And Visuals: The Link

The masterpiece by Stravinsky has gained huge popularity worldwide and has also been widely used in various videos. However, many of them failed to do justice to the rhythmic diversity of the music. If you have listened to it, you know that the soundtrack has many rhythms. At one point, you have a fast buildup, and then, almost suddenly, we have moments of near-silence. This makes it a difficult job to tune visuals with it. Moreover, one also needs to read the mood of the music to implant the right visuals. 

However, Nicolás Halaban seems to have felt the pulse of the tune as he organically weaves the visuals to the music. If you are hearing the music for the first time, you might feel that the music is tailor-made for the visuals on screen. Moreover, the placement of the elements of the visuals is also at par with the mood of the music. For instance, when the music draws to a sombre drop, you see visuals of deadly sharks approaching. On the other hand, when the music picks up its streamlined flow, we have unnumbered small fishes jetting past the screen. Therefore, as far as the link between the music and the visuals is concerned, we can say that the creator did a fabulous job.

The Colour Factor

We know that the world underwater is full of splendid colours. However, to make a lasting impact, one must know how to bring the colours together. The visuals in the music video by Halaban appear well thought out. Therefore, the music video takes you on a ride across the stunning colours of the underwater realm. The fishes, big and small and the underwater flora add a perfect touch to the music, making the video visually appealing. 

The Underwater Life

Apart from the technicalities of colour and music, the video takes you through a wide array of sea creatures, starting from small Nemo to deadly sharps. You name one, and the music video has it all for you. If you are deeply interested in marine life, then this music video is a must-watch for you. Apart from providing visual delight, the video also adds to your knowledge about underwater creatures,

Apart from the fauna, the music video also brings a large variety of underwater fauna on screen. The lush greenery, combined with the blue of the sea, seems vibrant enough to charm you. This is added to the colourful display of the marine creatures. It is almost like sitting in an underwater aquarium and plugging in Stravinsky’s Petrushka. Imagine the peace of mind you can find there. This music video does exactly that. 

The Editor’s Role

Nicolás Halaban has pulled off a stunner when it comes to the editing job. It is never an easy job to do justice to a musical track that has earned the respect and love of millions. In most cases where editors try to work on already famous tracks, a comparison generally pops up between the music and the visuals. However, under Halaben’s sharp observation and technical expertise, the music video appears to be seamlessly integrated with the music. It would really trouble even the most watchful of observers to find a single glitch in the editing work. The transitions are smooth, matching the tempo and rhythm of the music. 

An Absolute Delight

Halaban has shown courage enough in his choice of background music. Working with the creation of a stalwart figure is already a daring choice. However, he has done a neat job. The visuals are appealing. His editing is seamless. What is more interesting is that you can see a whole catalogue of marine life as you immerse yourself in the musical delight of the background music. Therefore, overall, this seems like a great music video that must get the attention it deserves. If you have not watched the video yet, it is about time that you watch it on YouTube. You will never be bored. Rather, chances are there that you might end up adding it to your list of favourite music videos.

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