All You Need To Know About Environmental Assessment Compliance

Environmental Assessment Compliance

Environmental assessment compliance is a process of systematic monitoring of any positive or negative effects that might lead to change or bring in environmental harm. We cannot deny that the surrounding amidst us is changing rapidly, which will definitely have a detrimental impact on us and the environment. 

Environmental Assessment Compliance

Environmental assessment phase 1 and 2 evaluate and predict social, environmental and economic developmental activities, and it provides decision making information on environmental consequences and help promote sustainability through alternative measures. 

Any industrial project will have to acquire clearance from the Ministry of Environment before the consent of the Planning commission, and various screening criteria are applied to the project. After numerous inspection and analysis, the project design and construction is considered so that the construction site does not disrupt the environment. 

Environmental Assessment – Phase 1

  • Plot quality: The quality of the site is determined by various inspections. The site has to qualify different aspects of inspections before construction can begin. If the plot has adequate flora and fauna, or is flourishing with migratory animals/fish, or is prone to floods and earthquakes, the construction of the project could cease to exist.
  • Potential environmental repercussions: Long and short term impacts and their effects on the construction site. Will there be any complications for the local flora and fauna, if so who could be affected.

Environmental Assessment – Phase 2

  • Socio-economic Influence: Whether the project could create conflict between ethnic groups, whether it affects regional culture, will it affect trade routes etc.
  • Reduction Measures: Planning a structure to circumvent and reduce drastic events. Use of maps is essential to understand the situation, which could help interpret missing data.

The EAC helps determine which project follows jurisdiction and which are likely to create environmental disruptions. Below are a few points of phase one environmental assessments which are likely to be considered by Environment assessment compilations :   

  • Involvement of all parties will eventually lead to better decision making, which could be implemented in the project manually.
  • All decisions regarding the assessment should be accessible and open.
  • The timing and process of the assessment should be uncontested. All participants should equally agree upon the period and technique.
  • Equally shared responsibilities for all decision-makers.
  • Assessment must be completed with full integrity and reliability.
  • The assessments would result in greater environmental protection with the slightest price.
  • Pragmatic information at the end of the assessment will help in decision making and planning.

Environmental assessment compilation is likely a convenient element for a thriving environment as it is a method of abstaining environmental interference which sometimes impossible to correct after their occurrence.