Le-Vel Thrive vs. Thrive Elite: Key Differences

Le-Vel Thrive vs. Thrive Elite
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Health is one issue that connects even the most diverse individuals. As the saying goes, if you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything. That’s probably why so many people make the decision to improve their health and embrace wellness in the New Year. Research shows that the top-3 New Year’s resolutions for US respondents in 2023 are ‘exercise more’ (52%), ‘eat healthier’ (50%), and ‘lose weight’ (40%). In other words, people are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. And unfortunately, obesity is a major risk factor in a whole range of chronic illnesses and diseases.

The Le-Vel Thrive Experience is one option for those who want to take control of their health. For more than ten years, Le-Vel Thrive has helped people of all backgrounds and body types look better, feel better, and perform better through optimal nutritional support. And now it seems that the Thrive Experience is only the beginning; Le-Vel is doubling down on its commitment to healthy weight management, with the introduction of the new Le-Vel Thrive Elite Experience

What Is Le-Vel Thrive Elite?

Le-Vel Thrive Elite is an extension and reformulation of the original Le-Vel Thrive Experience. Thrive Elite follows the same three daily steps and includes very similar products, specifically:

  • Thrive Elite Premium Lifestyle Capsules
    Thrive Lifestyle Capsules are available in formulas for women (Thrive W) and men (Thrive M). These capsules are designed to be taken first thing in the morning with a glass of water on an empty stomach.
  • Thrive Elite Premium Lifestyle Shake Mix
    The Lifestyle Shake Mix comes next. Users drink one Thrive shake 20 minutes after taking the capsules and before eating anything else.
  • Thrive Elite Lifestyle DFT
    As the final step, users apply a fresh Thrive DFT (derma fusion technology) foam plaster to a clean, dry, lean area of skin (such as on the shoulder or ankle). The DFT should be replaced every 24 hours as part of the daily Thrive regimen.

Thrivers will recognize this process as identical to the original Thrive Experience. So what is it that makes Thrive Elite different? 

Le-Vel Thrive vs. Thrive Elite

One thing to recognize about Le-Vel Thrive Elite is that it is not a replacement for the original Thrive Experience. It’s not a back-to-the-drawing-board approach. Instead, it takes the range of advantages already provided by the three-step Thrive process and then adds to them with a greater focus on weight and appetite management. 

Le-Vel Thrive Elite builds on the foundation of what may already be the most successful nutritional system in the world, addressing weight-management needs through improved health and nutrition. It does this in the following ways:

Optimizing Thrive Capsules for delayed release

Thrive capsules are designed to give your body a shot of nutrition to help you start your day off right. Thrive Elite capsules take that advantage and draw it out so that you get to enjoy your wakeup boost long after you’ve left the morning behind, without feeling jittery. 

Improving digestive-health support

Proper digestion is essential to weight loss and overall health, allowing your body to make efficient use of the calories you consume. Thrive Elite further supports digestion and gut health, so you know you can depend on your body to put your diet to work the way it is meant to function. 

Increasing the protein content in Thrive Shakes

Protein has a direct impact on how hungry or satisfied you feel. Thrive Elite Gluten-Free Shakes include more protein, stimulating the right hormones in your body so that you feel more full, more quickly. 

Optimizing the body’s ability to metabolize fat

When you pack on pounds, your body is basically setting aside available calories for when you might need them. Thrive Elite helps ensure that those calories don’t go unused, boosting metabolism and helping you break down your excess fat.

Final Thoughts

It’s worth reiterating that The Thrive Experience and Thrive Elite Experience are not opposing products; they’re both powerful solutions for filling nutritional gaps and improving one’s health. Thrive Elite is simply an alternative version of the Thrive Experience tailored to those who are most interested in achieving their ideal weight. These Thrivers will still enjoy the same benefits as those who prefer the original Thrive Experience — they’ll just also get increased weight & appetite management support as part of the deal. That’s what sets Le-Vel Thrive Elite apart. 

Of course, the only real way to understand the difference between Le-Vel Thrive and Thrive Elite is to experience one of the systems for yourself. If weight loss is one of your resolutions for 2023 (or if getting control of your weight is something you’re interested in regardless of what year it is), check out Le-Vel Thrive Elite today. Because at the end of the day, better health is something that everyone can get excited about.

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