How To Say Thank You Coronavirus Helpers?

Thank You Coronavirus Helpers

Thank you coronavirus helpers is what comes first to our mind when we talk about the brave, kind helpers during a terrible situation. When the world got shattered by the pandemic called coronavirus, the countries of the world faced a nationwide lockdown. It continued for almost a full year. The entire system faced a massive setback. It totally stalled. Only the hues and cries of various people suffering from Covid-19 were audible amidst such a condition. 

Lack of beds, oxygen and other essential things create a great obstacle. In a time when keeping physical touch with the infected ones became difficult, the frontline workers worked wonders by providing manual labor.

It becomes possible to keep moving forward in this tough time because of the generous helpers. They came to volunteer aid for all and sundry. They didn’t even hesitate to risk their lives. So Google took a sound initiative to recognize, respect, and honor them by creating animated doodles.

Ten Animated Doodles Made:

To thank you coronavirus helpers google doodle created ten animated doodles in total. In fact, Jessica Yu, Doodle Team Lead, wrote in a blog post, “Like all other doodles, we hope the series allows assistants everywhere to feel seen, heard, and valued and that there will be a light at the end of what feels like a long tunnel for all to remember.”

 oogle has created all the animated doodles in such a way that the “G” represents a community. It conveys its love in the final letter for showing a profession in particular. They designed most of the pros with masks in mind while performing social distancing. 

Real-time Doodles For People Of All Kinds of Professions :

It is visible that the animated series has, indeed, developed a real-time doodle series zeroing in on a single motif. They did it within a very short span of time. They spared no pains to honor all the helpers ranging from cleaning workers to health experts. So,  thank you coronavirus helpers becomes a genuine token of gratitude for all.

The series comprises all kinds of helpers from varied professions. If one tries to decode the series, one realizes that it starts with a doodle devoted to public health workers and researchers from the scientific community. Then it includes the emergency services workers and the last two letters in the logo stand for firefighter and police officers.

Gratitude Shown in YouTube:

A trend called thank you coronavirus helpers YouTube run on YouTube for some time. This is because many content creators made quality videos to shower their love and gratitude on the volunteers who helped us during this time of terror. Some videos went viral while other videos go to the level of lauding the noble effort put into the rescue of humanity. 

What the helpers did all over the world is indeed amazing. So thank you coronavirus helpers NZ becomes an explicit instance when the New Zealand Government also eulogized the noble endeavor put up by the humane helpers. 

The gratitude shown in Games:

To thank you coronavirus helpers google doodle games swimming all over the internet did captivate the users to a great extent. After all, without these diligent, super responsible frontline workers, it would have been impossible to tide over this calamity.

Final Thoughts:

The way the frontline helpers tackled the tough phase of time is worth praising. They came like harbingers of God and tried heart and soul to help us pass the litmus test of time.

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