Top Frida Kahlo Quotes In Spanish To Transform Your Pain Into Grace

Frida Kahlo quotes in Spanish

Frida Kahlo quotes in Spanishare exceptional as they can help people to manage pain and trauma in life. Frida Kahlo had great interest not only in writing but in other skills too. She is a popular Mexican painter in the 1900s. Kahlo practised art after a severe bus accident at the age of 18. It was in her recovery period when she embraced art. Frida Kahlo is an artist with special skills.

Further, she was able to get her pain and struggles through art by making use of vibrant colours. From a young age, the artist faced several struggles in her life. To cope with all the trauma she chose painting and writing as her therapy. However, what Frida left to this world is helping people to manage their pain. Let us see more about the legendary Frieda Kahlo and her exceptional quotes. 

Traumatic Experiences In The Life Of Frida Kahlo That Made Her The Iconic Artist

Born in 1907 Frida Kahlo is from Mexico. For Kahlo, troubles started at the age of six. At a young age, she got a polio attack due to which her legs were thinner than other parts. Due to this condition, her schoolmates did not treat her well. No one wanted to be friends with her and she spent her childhood lonely. At the age of 18, she faces a bus accident that makes her bitter. It is a severe accident that damaged her spine, pelvis, collarbone, ribs, shoulder and other parts. 

Frida Kahlo quotes in Spanish

Kahlo faced a near-death situation due to the accident. Also, to recover she required at least 30 surgeries. Further, her parents did not provide proper love and care for her. Her tense household was lacking love. Kahlo describes her house as ‘very very sad. Life did not get any better for her even after marriage. Now let us see more about the terrible marriage life of Frida Kahlo. 

The Horrific Marriage That Affected Frida Kahlo Mentally

The turbulent marriage of Frida Kahlo made her lose hope in life. In her early twenties, she thought to marry Diego Rivera. Her mother did not accept her marriage. Still, her father thought it was a good deal to marry her to the famous artist in Mexico that is Rivera. He did have power and talent in Mexico. As a part of the communist party, he did not have any trouble with money. As Frida Kahlo required medical expenses all her life her father made her marry Rivera. 

Frida Kahlo Quotes Spanish

‘This Mexican artist was a womanizer. He did not have good morals nor did he love Frida. However, Frida Kahlo loved her husband even after knowing that he had affairs with many women. When Frida knew that man she loved cheated with her sister she did not want to stay with him. She divorced Rivera which affected her mentally. Also, after the divorce, Kahlo got gangrene due to which her right leg was amputated. To cope with traumatic experiences in life she begins heavy drinking. 

For Frida, the only way to cope with her agony was by painting. In the darkest period of her life, the inner artist in Frida was born. Her unusual art was world-famous as some could connect with its deep meaning. Not only did she paint in depressing times but also started to write quotes. Here are popular Frida Kahlo quotes in Spanish that help to transform pain into grace. 

The Brilliant Frida Kahlo Quotes In Spanish That Helps To Cope With Pain

“I was a child who went about in the world of colours, my friends and companions became women slowly as I became old in instants”

“At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we can think”

“Nothing is more worth than your laughter. It takes strength to laugh and abandon self, to be light. The tragedy is a most ridiculous thing”

 “I try to drown my sorrows but the bastards know how to swim. Now am overwhelmed by this decent and good feeling”

“Pleasure, pain and death are no more but just a process for existence. The revolutionary struggle is a process or doorway to open to intelligence”

“Only one mountain can know the core of another mountain”

“You deserve a lover who can make you feel safe, who can consume this world while he walks hand in hand with you, someone who believes that he is a perfect match for you”

“Painting completed my life. I lost three children and a series of other things that could have fulfilled my horrible life. My painting took place in all of this. I think work is the best”

“My painting carries my message of pain with it”


Frida Kahlo’s quotes in Spanish are not only inspiring but it is like a light in your life when you are facing the darkest things. Frida Kahlo had many troubles but made it to the end. Her quotes about transforming pain into grace are helpful for many these days. 

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