How to Find a Strata Manager NSW?

Strata Manager

Are you still debating about finding new management for your building? Running a strata scheme can get complicated, and that’s okay. For starters, owners may find it hard to reach a middle ground on what they need. 

Secondly, making the right decisions regarding the Corporation’s funds may be demanding. Otherwise, companies wouldn’t need finance departments. Thirdly, making plans for repairs and maintenance may sound straightforward, but in reality, it is nothing of the sort. 

These are a few of those challenges. Therefore, without the expertise of a strata manager, chaos may be the result. 

Why opt for strata management services?

A strata manager can figure out the specific solutions of each property to suit the different needs. Everything works differently for everyone, so it is the same when it comes to Owners Corporation. 

Moreover, they combat any future problems that are likely to occur, leaving you with less to worry about – it’s like transferring the risks to someone else as you stay at home and switch to your favourite show.

Strata Management Services

  • Secretarial

Why not opt for a strata management where your say matters? Repairs, for example, may take longer if the directors of the Owners Corporation are sleeping on the job. Putting together and distributing the agenda and minutes of meetings may seem like the most straightforward job but getting a strata manager to do it for you is much easier. Handling ballots is another responsibility that’s worth delegating.

  • Managing finances

Recovering debt may pose a challenge. Without the knowledge and skills to handle receiving payments, people may never pay up. And that’s the tip of the iceberg. Strata managers will also issue levy notices, collect the lot’s dues, and make professional budgets. Ensure that mismanagement of funds never occurs by opting for strata management services.

  • Administration

Coming up with buildings insurances, creating and sticking to by-laws, keeping records of the strata roll, maintaining order and compliance, and making repairs and maintenance without delay come under this role. Entrusting this ‘five in one’ responsibility to specialists is a good idea.

  • Improving communities

What is the importance of management that can’t make any developments in your building? None! That’s why strata management services are better way to go. With the owners’ participation and support, they may take your living experience to a whole new level! Worth a try? Definitely!

  • Better Benefits

We like strata management services because they strive to reduce the cost of living for their clients. For instance, they may arrange for the electricity and gas services to be reviewed to cut utility bills. They even check your bills to ensure they are correct and educate the strata scheme on saving energy. It’s easy to be unaware of expiration dates on various contracts, but not under the watch of proactive management.

How do you switch to a new Owners Corporation Management?

It’s generally as easy as pie! Modern problems need modern solutions. To enjoy strata management services, follow these three steps:

  1. At your next AGM or committee meeting, make a formal proposal to change the existing Owners Corporation Management.
  2. You may have to hold a postal ballot. You need to ensure that majority of the votes agree with you to proceed.
  3. Following the procedure mentioned in the contract of appointment makes the old management agreement null and void. 


Getting a strata manager to handle your building or apartment is probably the best thing to do. While at it, select a firm in New South Wales that has decades of experience in operation. Also, look out for the benefits you will receive. Strata management services may be the bridge to improving your living standards!