Cold Water Side Effects: Why Cold Water is Bad for Your Health?

Cold Water is Bad for Your Health

Drinking cold water can be harmful to your health. It may cause several side effects that can affect your body. In summer, people get thirsty and want to drink water. Some people prefer cold water because it feels refreshing. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why cold water is bad for you and Cold Water Side Effects!

Shocks the Body

Some people may even use refrigerated water because the heat can be too much. However, drinking cold water can be harmful to your health. There are side effects that you should be aware of. You should also know when it’s safe to drink cold water and how to keep your water cool naturally at home.

First of all, when you drink cold water, it can shock your body. This is because your body is naturally warm, and drinking cold water can cause it to work harder to maintain its temperature. When you drink very cold water, your body has to work harder to keep its normal temperature of 37°C. It’s not good to drink cold water during meals because it can interfere with the natural acid in your stomach that helps you digest food.

Shocks the Body 

Slows Down Digestion

As a result, it can slow down your digestion, which may lead to constipation and other digestive 

problems. When you drink really cold water, your body uses up energy to regulate the temperature of the water instead of digesting food and absorbing nutrients. So, it’s better to avoid drinking extra cold water. Believe me, you don’t want a host of undigested food material inside your stomach. 

Drinking cold water can make it difficult for your digestive system to work correctly, which can cause constipation. Lukewarm water can help you get rid of constipation. Cold water makes the digested food solidify and harden as it passes through the intestine. The intestine contracts because of the cold water, causing the stool to become hard and leading to constipation.

Slows Down Digestion

Affects Blood Circulation

Moreover, drinking cold water can also affect your blood circulation. It can cause your blood vessels to constrict, making it harder for blood to flow through your body. This may lead to headaches, fatigue, and dizziness. Drinking cold water can slow down your heart rate because it triggers the vagus nerve which is responsible for regulating the heart rate. This nerve is part of the body’s autonomous nervous system.

Damages the Throat

Damages the Throat

Another harmful effect of drinking cold water is that it can damage your throat and cause soreness. The cold water can irritate the throat and cause inflammation, which can lead to a sore throat. 

Research shows that women who have had migraines in the past year are twice as likely to get a headache from drinking cold water compared to those who have never had migraines. Headaches caused by cold water are more common in women than men. The study suggests that migraines make it easier to feel pain in the forehead from drinking cold water.


In addition, drinking cold water after eating can also be bad for you. It can cause the fats in the food you ate to solidify, making it harder for your body to digest them properly. This may lead to indigestion, bloating, and other digestive problems. These are extremely harmful to the body. 

Furthermore, drinking cold water can also affect your dental health. It can cause the enamel on your teeth to weaken, making them more vulnerable to cavities and other dental problems.


1. Is cold water bad for the heart?

Yes, it is a major cause of heart disease. 

2. Which water is good for drinking?

Lukewarm water is the best. 

3. Should I drink warm water?

Yes, it is best for your health. 

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