Some of the Biggest and Most Important Game of Thrones Battles

Game of Thrones Battles

Game of Thrones battles are arguably the best chunks of the game. They are incredibly well-made, massive and contain a lot of bloodshed. Also, they are pivotal events during the series. A Game of Thrones battle decides the fate of a character or even the course of the kingdom. In this article, we are going to look back upon some of the most iconic moments in the series. These battles are huge and tumultuous. They are also incredibly iconic for the many events that happened within and in the aftermath. 

Top 10 Epic Game of Thrones Battles

Jon Snow Fights the Wildlings

Jon Snow Fights the Wildlings

As the Red Wedding unfolds, Walder Frey massacres Robb, Catelyn, and others. Meanwhile, Jon Snow finds himself in a significant confrontation in the North. Disguised among the Wildlings, he is assigned to kill a man aiding the Night’s Watch.

When Jon hesitates, the Wildlings identify him as still loyal to the Night’s Watch. Jon is compelled to defend himself, engaging in a battle with Tormund. With the assistance of Bran, who is connected to his direwolf Summer, Jon manages to defeat the Wildling Orell, who had taken control of his eagle before dying.

Although not a grand spectacle, this encounter showcases Jon Snow’s skill and strengthens his growing friendship with Tormund, who will eventually accept him as a member of the Wildlings. 

Bronn Duels Ser Vardis

Lysa Stark imprisons Tyrion Lannister at the Eyrie, suspecting him of trying to harm Bran Stark. Despite the circumstances, Tyrion manages to convince Lysa to grant him a trial. He demands a “trial by combat” to secure his freedom. Originally intending to have his brother Jaime fight for him, Tyrion is denied by Lysa. Desperate, he turns to the only available volunteer, Bronn the sellsword.

Bronn engages in a duel with Lysa’s champion, Ser Vardis Egen, skillfully evading his attacks. Bronn patiently exhausts Vardis until he grows weary, taking advantage of the opportunity. Ultimately, Bronn defeats Vardis, sending him plummeting out of the Moon Door. The fight scene is filled with excitement, heightened by the unique location of the Moon Door. It also marks the significant moment when Bronn aligns himself with the Lannisters.

Jaime Stark’s Betrayal

Jaime Stark’s Betrayal

After stepping down as Hand of the King, Ned Stark is stopped by Littlefinger, who reveals disturbing details about Jon Arryn’s death. As Ned leaves, he and his men are confronted by an aggressive Jaime Lannister and his guards. One of the famous betrayals takes place in a few moments. 

Jaime demands answers about Tyrion’s imprisonment, leading to a clash between Ned and Jaime. The duel is brief, cut short when a Lannister guard unexpectedly stabs Ned in the leg from behind. Although short-lived, this duel showcases two skilled fighters in the series.

The Clegane Showdown

The Clegane Showdown

The long-awaited showdown between the Clegane brothers, known as “Cleganebowl,” finally happened. It was both epic and disappointing. Also, it finished the arc of one of the most conflicted characters in the entire series. 

The fight scene was epic, featuring two monstrous men engaged in a brutal duel within a crumbling, fiery castle. It resembled a WWE version of the Obi-Wan vs. Anakin duel in Star Wars Episode III, captivating the audience.

However, two problems arose. Firstly, Gregor’s undead appearance had become somewhat comical. Secondly, the fight had no real impact, and it was evident that both brothers would meet their demise. And they did, when The Hound threw his brother down the crumbling building. 

Jorah vs Multiple Fighters

Jorah vs Multiple Fighters

The battle takes place in Meereen, with Daenerys, Hizdahr zo Loraq, Daario Naharis, and Tyrion Lannister watching Jorah Mormont in the fighting pits. Jorah, skilled fighter that he is, does not disappoint the audience. He is pitted against some of the most dangerous warriors in the arena.

Jorah fights against multiple opponents and emerges as the last man standing. However, the situation quickly escalates as the Sons of the Harpy, who have been causing trouble for Daenerys, reveal themselves throughout the arena.

The Sons of the Harpy kill Hizdahr zo Loraq and surround the remaining group. Jorah, Daario, and the others nervously defend themselves. Suddenly, Drogon arrives, attacking and dispersing the Sons of the Harpy.

The Battle of Castle Black

The Battle of Castle Black

Mance Rayder leads a full assault on the Wall, while Wildlings and Thenns attack Castle Black from the south. The battle becomes chaotic, with several Game of Thrones characters taking part. Alliser Thorne leads and fights, Ygritte, Tormund, and Styr the Thenn cause damage, and Jon Snow and Ghost join the fray. The episode is intense, culminating in Jon defeating Styr and holding Ygritte as she dies.

However, the battle doesn’t have a decisive outcome and weakens both sides. We see some incredible fights throughout the battle. Remember the giant in the tunnels and getting killed by three soldiers?

Ned Stark and Ser Dayne

Ned Stark and Ser Dayne

Bran and the Three-Eyed Raven revisit a past battle scene. After Robert’s Rebellion, Ned Stark and his companions confront members of the Mad King’s Kingsguard at the Tower of Joy. They fight until only Ned and Ser Arthur Dayne remain. Ned is overpowered but saved by Howland Reed, who stabs Dayne from behind. It is a good thing he does, for the knight was decimating everyone without trying much. 

Opinions vary on this scene. Some find it ridiculous as Dayne’s swordplay appears goofy compared to other fights in GoT, making the long-awaited glimpse of a legend somewhat underwhelming.

Raising the Dead at Hardhome

Raising the Dead at Hardhome

Hardhome, one of GoT’s most famous and biggest battles, becomes a scramble for dragonglass and Wildlings. It is one of the most furious scrambles in the history of the series. Jon, Tormund, and others aim to save and recruit Wildlings against the White Walkers, but the Night King and his army attack. Thousands of ghouls just swarm over the hall where the meeting is taking place. Jon and his allies find themselves in a bit of a scrape. They engage in a frantic escape, rescuing people onto boats and salvaging dragonglass.

The Battle at Frozen Lake

The Battle at Frozen Lake

This epic battle happens as Jon Snow and a group of elite fighters venture north of the Wall to capture a wight. Their aim is to prove the Night Walkers’ threat to the South, but they find themselves trapped on an icy lake, surrounded by countless wights.

They fight valiantly but seem doomed until Daenerys responds to a message and arrives with her dragons. Dany and the dragons save the day, although the Night King strikes down Viserion.

The battle keeps us on the edge, and the dramatic arrival of Daenerys and her dragons adds to the intensity. Witnessing the loss of one of Dany’s dragons is a game-changing moment. It’s a remarkable event and one of the greatest scenes in Game of Thrones.

Oberyn vs The Mountain

Oberyn vs The Mountain

Oberyn represents Tyrion in a trial by combat, seeking justice for his sister Elia’s rape and murder by Gregor. The duel showcases Oberyn’s agility and spear skills against Gregor’s armored strength. Oberyn outmatches Gregor, playing with him before ultimately defeating him.

However, Oberyn’s victory celebration is cut short when Gregor retaliates and brutally attacks him. It’s a thrilling scene, despite the loss of a beloved character and the start of another’s transformation into a zombie-like creature. Oberyn’s skull exploding like a ripe grape still makes one of the grisliest moments in cinematic history. 

Brienne Fights The Hound

Brienne Fights The Hound

Ranking this fight above Mountain vs. Viper may not be popular, but upon rewatching, it can be argued that this one is indeed better.

The conflict arises when Brienne and the Hound both want to protect Arya Stark but don’t trust each other. When Brienne encounters the Hound and Arya during their journey, a duel erupts. The fight’s essence lies in the clash itself.

In a series set in a medieval fantasy world, Game of Thrones offers limited one-on-one battles between skilled knights in armor. However, this fight delivers on that front.

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