Tips to Create a Stress-Free Home

Tips to Create a Stress-Free Home

A certain amount of stress in everyday life is inevitable. Family life, work, relationships, finances and other aspects of life in the modern world all have moments of stress and most people can handle this stress without any negative consequences.

However, too much stress can have adverse effects on physical and mental health and can cause:

  • Depression, especially in people who have already suffered from depression
  • Headache
  • Lack of energy and concentration problems
  • Stomach problems and lack of appetite
  • Increased risk of high cholesterol and heart attack.

Stress can disrupt healthy coping strategies. It is essential to manage stress for physical and mental health. Having a stress-free environment and home routines is a great way to promote a stress-free life daily.

It’s not possible to eliminate the stress of your life, but if you tend to feel stressed by everyday problems or have a stressful job, it’s important to make sure your home is a haven. you can retire and relax at the end. a busy day.

1. Create a Relaxation Zone

It can be difficult to find a space just to be in the middle of a busy family life, but it’s so important. Dedicate a room, a corner or even a chair of your home as a personal relaxation area. Add a cosy blanket, a candle and make sure the rest of your family does not mind when you’re curled up with a cup of tea and a good book.

2. Clear the Clutter

Being surrounded by piles of clutter can be stressful. You will be amazed at how free and light you feel after cleaning up the elements that weigh you down. Be ruthless and get rid of everything you do not use or do not like. This includes the clothes you were waiting for to lose weight! Give your useless items to charity, or sell them on eBay or Gumtree to earn extra money.

3. Make the Most of Natural Lighting

Getting enough sun is an important and often overlooked factor in mental health. The lack of light during the winter months in many countries of the northern hemisphere can even cause a type of depression called seasonal affective disorder (SAD). In most parts of Australia, we have enough light all year round so that it is not a problem, but if your home is dark and gloomy, it can make stress and depression worse. Avoid blocking light from windows with heavy curtains or blinds during the day and consider using light bulbs that mimic daylight.

4. Add Some Greenery

Spending time in nature can have an extremely positive effect on your mood. It is important to get out of the house whenever you can. However, you can also bring nature indoors by adding potted plants and even works of art or landscape photographs. Studies have shown that just looking at beautiful scenery is enough to reduce the level of stress.

5. Unplug From Time to Time

If you are like most people, the technology of your home probably surrounds you – TVs, computers, mobile phones and other gadgets. All this technology can sometimes help you relax, but

6. Choose Calming Colours

You probably have not considered the effects of colour on your mood during your last decoration, but some colours such as red and yellow can increase your blood pressure. To create a soothing atmosphere, opt for light shades of blue and green that help enhance relaxation.

7. Use an Essential Oil Diffuser

Essential oils not only make your home pleasant, but they can also help you feel more relaxed. Lavender, incense, Roman chamomile and sandalwood help soothe anxiety and can even help you sleep. When you feel depressed and your energy level is low, go with the aromas of citrus and peppermint to relax.

8. Invest in an Aquarium

This is a good reason why aquariums are so popular in the waiting rooms of doctors and dentists. Watching the fish swim is very relaxing and meditative. A study in an American aquarium revealed that the heart rate and blood pressure of these participants dropped with the addition of fish in the tank.

9. Create a ‘Landing Station’

Are you still running at the last minute looking for your keys? Eliminate this unnecessary stress by placing a small console in your hallway with a bowl to put your keys in as soon as you walk through the door. Some organizational elements, such as a mail basket and hooks for your hat and sunglasses, can also help you streamline your mornings and be better organized.

10. Make Your Bed Every Morning and Clean Your Kitchen Every Evening

Starting the day off right can make all the difference to your mood and stress level. Start with an easy task that you can accomplish no matter what happens: make your bed. In the same way that clutter cleaning helps to clean your mind, a freshly prepared bed will help you feel calm and ready for the day ahead. Similarly, no one likes to put themselves in a dirty kitchen, so be sure to wash the dishes and wipe the surfaces before going to bed.

If you have difficulty coping with stress or depression, you can benefit from professional advice to help you develop effective coping mechanisms and minimize the effects of stress on your health. Visit at Vitality Unleashed Psychology and meet with our professional Gold Coast Psychologist. Book an appointment today.