Nurturing Pasture-fed Livestock? Here’s How You Can Select The Right Seeds For Your Pastures

Nurturing Pasture-fed Livestock

Raising livestock is not child’s play. Not only does it require you to bear high expenses, but invest your time and energy into looking after the livestock. Providing adequate living space, creating a favorable living environment, providing opportunities for free movement and outdoor exercises, reinforcing positive social behavior, etc., are responsibilities that can never be ignored. On top of that, providing your livestock with the right food becomes paramount. 

Talking about the latter, not providing your livestock with proper food impacts their growth, vigour, reproduction, and immunity. Hence, selecting the right seeds for your pastures is essential. Here is how you can choose the right seeds for your pastures. 

Select the seeds specific to the animal

When it comes to pasture grass seeds, you cannot go with the one size fits all approach. As grazing habits and the nutritional needs of different animals vary, providing them with the pastures that satiate their needs is critical. 

For instance, cattle and horses have similar nutritional values but different digestive tracts. While cattle are multi-stomached, horses are single-stomach and hence, vulnerable to digestive upset. Furthermore, horses use their teeth and muzzles for grazing selectively, and the flexible tongue of cattle helps them savour tall grasses.

Furthermore, cattle and horses happily eat grasses such as alfalfa, Bahia, Bermuda, clover, perennial Ryegrass, and Tall Fescue, while sheep feed on plant parts and white clover, orchard grass, and legumes. Elk and deer enjoy flowers, leaves, and twigs of plants. 

You must take all these and related factors into account while selecting the seeds for your pastures. 

Consider the size of the land 

The size of the land available for grazing is also a crucial consideration. It will help you determine the amount of pasture grass seeds required per acre. Planning your pastures with the knowledge of the area will help you in creating a budget and moving ahead with a budget makes the searching process easy and quick. 

So, once you know the size of the grazing land, determine the amount of product you will need. Then, browse through various pasture grass seed prices that fit your budget.

Do not overlook the climate                                                    

Climate affects the growth of pastures. You cannot expect warm-season grass to thrive in a chilly climate and vice versa. 

If your geographical location entertains warm or hot weather, select a warm-season grass that can tolerate and thrive in the sun. The best options here would be Bahia, zoysia, St. Augustine, buffalograss, Bermuda, etc. On the other hand, if you live in a cool place, think of planting perennial ryegrass, fine fescue, tall fescue, etc. 

Plant the warm-season grass during the late spring and the cool-season grass in the spring or early fall. 

Consider blend and mixtures 

If you have more than one issue to counter, taking the mid-way is the best possible option, and by the middle path, we mean going with mixtures and blends. A mixture of different grass seeds helps to address more than one problem. For instance, if you are worried about a parched lawn and feeding your livestock, you can select a grass seed mix that combines different kinds of grasses with mulch and starter fertilizer. The best mix to address this issue is a grass mix of fine fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, and perennial ryegrass. 

Check the soil 

The soil of your land will determine whether or not your pasture lawn will thrive. If the pH of the soil supports your choice, the grass will thrive. Otherwise, it will look tired and patchy. Hence, check the pH of the soil before selecting the seeds for your pastures. 


In the process of growing pasture lawns, small details should not be missed. Now that you are aware of every point that needs reflection, make sure you make the right choice while selecting pasture seeds and see your lawn and your livestock thrive. 

Read More : How Often Should You Cut Your Grass?