Getting loans is easy but paying them off is not an easy one! Getting out of financial debt is the most challenging thing. You may see the creditors knocking on your door daily to pay the debts. It can be devastating!
One of the convenient ways to escape this can be with Individual Voluntary arrangements (IVA). It is a debt management solution for individuals that protects the rights of the creditors and the debtors. The formal agreement acts as an ordinance and alternative to insolvency, unraveling the debtor’s right.
Once you file an IVA and it gets approved, no creditor can ever knock on your door asking for the debts. Instead, you will see insolvency practitioners settling everything for your debts. This is one of the Implications of an IVA that frees the debtors from bankruptcy.
Here in this post, you will get comprehensive information on IVA. Let’s get started!
Is IVA Worth It?
It depends from individual to individual if IVA is right for them or not. IVA majorly looks towards the monthly income, debt amount you owe to the creditors, and more. So, getting stressed about the debts is not the solution for the debtors.
They can apply for an IVA, and once it is approved, you never go bankrupt. The Insolvency practitioners act on your behalf, and creditors can’t directly contact you. So, it can be worth the situation without struggling; you get the solution for the debt repayments.
Who Can Apply for an IVA?
Certain criteria need to be fulfilled for applying for an IVA. So, once you are eligible, you can apply for an IVA. Here are some things you need to consider before applying for an IVA:
- Do you have Unsecured Debts?
- Are there more than two Creditors?
- Are you employed or self-employed?
- Do you have a surplus of income before you start paying monthly payments?
How Can You be Debt-Free with IVA?
Research the IVA Plans
Do comprehensive research on the IVA and whether it will be a good option for you or not? Once you do deep research on this, plan the ways and analyze every condition. Then, check out the debt trends and research the debt repayment plans that are best for you.
Hire Insolvency Practitioner
Hire an Insolvency practitioner to analyze your debt solutions. The insolvency practitioners do not charge you until you get approval. So, you can consult insolvency practitioners and let them analyze your conditions. Once they analyze it, they plan the most convenient solutions for the debtors.
Analyze Your Documents
When you visit an insolvency practitioner, you must prove your financial conditions well. Keep documents with you to prove your income and insurance plans. It will help the practitioners to get insights into the financial conditions you are going with. Then, the practitioners will analyze and develop the best plans for you.
Prepare an Efficient IVA Proposal
By doing the analysis, the Insolvency practitioners come up with the best IVA proposals. Then, the practitioners tell the creditors about the installments you can afford to pay monthly. So accordingly, they will plan and apply for an IVA.
Wait for the IVA Approval
Once the IVA is applied, wait for approval. If your IVA is approved, the creditors will stop putting interest on the debt from the very first day. The creditors will always contact Insolvency practitioners for financial concerns.
Wrapping Up
Nothing can be a better debt solution than IVA. From the day it starts, you get relieved from bankruptcy. You get full information from the practitioners before making any decision. The practitioners evaluate the assets and plan the monthly installments accordingly so that it can be comfortable for you to pay. Moreover, you may find that creditors might stop charging interest the day you start with an IVA.