Grow Your Own Greens: 7 Easiest Vegetables for Beginner Gardeners

Easiest Vegetables for Beginner Gardeners
41915495 - fresh organic vegetables and fruits on wood table in the garden

Starting a vegetable garden can be a great way to connect with nature and reduce your grocery bill at the same time. If the idea of creating a garden is overwhelming, don’t worry. There are many gardening suppliers like GardenTap that you can visit to get all of your needed supplies.

Wondering what to plant in your vegetable garden? The best option is to grow the ones you like to eat best. However, some vegetables are much easier to grow than others.


Carrots are easy to grow, and you can get started early in the spring. Plant your seeds directly in your garden, about 1/4-inch deep and spaced 1 inch apart. The best soil type for growing carrots is sandy or airy soil that the roots can easily push through. Carrots can take 2-3 months before they are ready to harvest, so be patient.


One of the best vegetables for a beginner gardener, zucchini tends to provide a bountiful harvest every year. Zucchini doesn’t tolerate frost well, so wait until the middle or end of spring. Sow seeds directly in the garden an inch deep and a foot and a half apart. You should see sprouts in a week or two, and the zucchini is ready to harvest as soon as two months.


Quick to grow, cucumbers are suitable for beginner gardeners since you can see results in a few weeks. Cucumbers generally take about six weeks from planting to harvest. Plant your seeds an inch deep and 4 feet apart. When harvesting, don’t let them grow too big. Pick the cucumbers when they’re on the smaller side for the best taste.


There is nothing quite like a sun-ripened tomato fresh off the vine. Tomatoes take about three months to harvest, so it’s best to start with a transplant instead of directly from seed. Place cages around your tomato plants to help them grow. Tomatoes love the sun, so choose a spot in your garden where they will have plenty of exposure.


Sow your lettuce seeds early in the spring. Lettuce is a fast-growing plant, so you will be able to enjoy it rather quickly. As you harvest the lettuce leaves, more will grow, so you have a continuous harvest throughout the season. If your leaves are starting to wilt, they need more water. 

Swiss Chard

Like all vegetables, swiss chard is very nutritious and offers many health benefits. Chard can be grown in spring, summer, and fall and tends to produce a large harvest. Keep your swiss chard plants well-watered to avoid wilting. Gather the leaves before they get too big, as they have more flavor when they are smaller.


Sow your radish seeds 1/2 inch deep and 1 inch apart. This vegetable variety thrives in early spring and prefers loose and airy soil. Radishes are ready for harvest in as little as 20 days, making them an excellent choice for gardeners who are just learning their way around a backyard garden. 

Final thoughts

Choosing relatively easy vegetables for your garden will get you started on the right foot. Selecting any or all of these seven vegetables will help you create a bountiful garden that you and your family can enjoy.