Check Out The Tricks On How To Screenshot On Snapchat Without Them Knowing

how to screenshot on Snapchat without them knowing

Are you looking to find out the ways how to screenshot on Snapchat without them knowing? So, let’s say you have found something neat and you just cannot wait to share them with your friends. However, did you know that there are some apps like Snapchat that can inform the users if you take a screenshot of their profile? Of course, it will become an embarrassing situation if it does happen. 

However, technology has advanced considerably and this is the reason why there are some ways to prevent that from occurring. In other words, if you want to know how to screenshot on Snapchat without the sender knowing, then you are at the right place. 

If you are a regular user of Snapchat, then you will know that the only way to save Snap or a story is to take a screenshot. However, as we said earlier, whenever you do that, the app will notify the user. So, in this article, we will take a look at some of the coolest ways you can prevent that from happening. 

These Are Some Of The Tricks You Can Apply To Take A Screenshot On Snapchat Freely

Of course, it’s tough not being able to share something that you want to because there’s the fear of embarrassment. However, technology and the presence of the mind have made it possible to make everything possible. So, if you want to know the answer to the question, how to screenshot on Snapchat without them knowing, then you will some relevant answers here. 

So, taking a screenshot of someone’s story or snap isn’t a huge deal. However, it can become a problem because the other person will know that because the app will notify them. It’s even more embarrassing if that person is a stranger or a crush of yours. Just thinking about that thought is nightmarish. However, as we said earlier, we have a few simple fixes for that sort of problem. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at the solutions now. Or in other words, let’s find out how to screenshot on Snapchat without them knowing.

  • Turn On The Airplane Mode On Your iPhone

If you have an iPhone, then it makes everything so simple for sure. According to the experts, the easiest way to take a snap on Snapchat is by launching the app, waiting for the snap to be laid, and then enabling the airplane mode to On mode. Thereafter, you can take an SS. If you still don’t understand, then let’s follow a simple guide. 

  • First, launch the app on your iOS and swipe over to the Stories and Snaps. 
  • Thereafter, swipe up from the bottom of the screen and it will reveal the control centre. Click on the Airplane mode. 
  • Next, you need to go back to the App and view the story. Just as the image loads, it’s time to take a Screenshot. 

Since there’s no internet connection, the app won’t notify the other person. In other words, it will prevent the app from sending any kind of notification. 

  • Recording The Snap With Another Phone

If the above option doesn’t work or you have an Android phone, then you can easily do that with another phone. To answer the question, how to screenshot on Snapchat without them knowing, you can just record the snap with another phone. This is just a simple trick but most effective as well. In fact, nobody can detect activity this way. 

  • Using Quicktime On Mac

If you own a Macbook, then you can connect your phone to a mac and open QuickTime player. Thereafter, you can click on File and then turn on New Movie Recording. This trick is also pretty neat. 

Ending Note: how to screenshot on Snapchat without them knowing

So, these were some of the simple and easy tricks about how to screenshot on Snapchat without them knowing. Following this will save you from unwanted embarrassment.