What to Look for in a Sexual Abuse Lawyer

Sexual Abuse Lawyer

If you suspect sexual abuse or have proof that sexual abuse occurred, you should contact law enforcement and retain legal services immediately. In these cases, the police’s job is to determine if there are enough grounds to charge the perpetrator.

For instance, several types of offenses fall under child sexual abuse (CSA), and are defined by what happened, the child’s age, the age of the perpetrator, and the association. Therefore, some charges are directly tied to the alleged offender’s position at the time of the crime. If the perpetrator was in a role that involved authority or trust, the charge they receive is typically greater.

If an alleged offender is not charged, it does not mean the police do not believe the abuse did not occur. In this case, there may not be enough evidence to charge the named party. Whether the person is charged or not, you need to contact a sexual abuse lawyer to learn more about your legal rights and find out how you should proceed.

So, how do you seek the services of sexual abuse attorney? What should you look for when choosing legal counsel?

Find an Attorney with Direct Experience

To choose a lawyer, you need to select a legal specialist who has a strong background, educationally and professionally, in sexual abuse cases. If he or she has narrowed down their niche to serving clients with your specific needs, that is even better. 

For example, if you need an attorney with experience in church-based child sexual abuse (CSA) cases, you need to find a lawyer with this experience. Maybe your child has been abused at school or perhaps the abuse happened within your family. In any of these situations, you need to contact an attorney who has a successful background in cases that concern you.

Review the Attorney’s Success Rate

While an attorney’s educational background is important, it is more important to seek an attorney who, again, specializes in the legal area where you need their services. Review the attorney’s specialties and check out their success rate to ensure the best legal representation.

Some Questions You Need to Ask

You also need to ask about costs? Will the legal firm front the expenses for litigation and accept repayment after a case is settled? Do they offer a free initial consultation? Do they make it easy to communicate? These are all questions you need to answer in the affirmative.

The idea is to find a lawyer, who is transparent, helpful, resourceful, and produces the types of results you’re seeking. In a sex abuse case, there is more to consider than just the settlement. 

Make Sure Your Attorney is Committed to Working for You

A victim in a sex abuse case wants to feel a sense of freedom – the feeling that happens when justice is truly served and he or she receives just and equitable compensation. 

That is why you should seriously consider your choice of a lawyer. A case can go on for several months, so you need to choose wisely. The best attorney in the field knows what it takes, procedurally and psychologically, to realize a successful outcome, both emotionally and financially.