Digital Marketing Agency In Fort Lauderdale

Digital Marketing Agency In Fort Lauderdale

Marketing is changing rapidly and the consumer is always at the forefront of this change. What we know now about marketing in 2021 will be very different from what we know today. The landscape for marketing in Florida has changed as well, with an increase in internet users and a decrease in TV viewers. With these changes come new opportunities to reach consumers through Digital Marketing Agency channels that provide more personalization, such as social media marketing or inbound marketing.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing in Florida has changed because it is no longer an opportunity to simply broadcast your message. It’s now about the conversation, engaging with people who are interested in you and building relationships which can lead them back to your website or store.

Some ways you can use social media marketing in Florida in 2021 include:

Tiktok Challenges

Some companies are using Tiktok challenges for their  marketing campaigns. Tiktok challenges are a way to engage consumers through sharing videos, pictures or music related to the company’s product or service. They can be used as contests where people share their video for a chance at winning a prize, but they don’t have to be limited by that format.

Brand Ambassadors

Brands can use social media influencers to promote their products or services. For example, a company may pay an Instagrammer to post pictures of themselves wearing the brand’s clothing and tagging it in those posts.

Video Marketing on Mobile Devices

One way marketers are using video marketing is through mobile videos, which people watch more than any other type of video. Videos on mobile devices are typically shorter than videos watched on TV, so they require more concise messages and storytelling to keep people engaged.

Video ads can be used in Florida by product-based businesses or service-based businesses with a professional track record. For example, if you run an accounting firm it would not make sense for your video ad to be about how you were just voted the best accountant, but it would make sense for your video advertisement to show someone who is more relatable like another business owner or an accountant.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing in Florida has been growing for the past few years, but it is still something many businesses don’t take advantage of. Inbound marketing is a strategy that aims to get people interested in your business by providing helpful and educational information about topics they are already looking into or asking questions about online.

On average there have been an estimated 270,000 searches per month on Google for the key phrase “inbound marketing”. There have also been an estimated 140,000 people asking questions about inbound marketing strategies on sites like Quora and Reddit each month.

People are searching online for information related to your industry because they want information that will help them make a decision. Instead of making them go to your website and hope that they find what they are looking for, help guide them there by providing helpful information through blogs, videos or social media posts.

Utilizing a Digital Marketing Company

Not everyone had time  to learn how to use all of these marketing tools or even the time to devote it to their day-to-day duties. Sometimes, when you are so busy running your business, hiring a digital marketing agency in Fort Lauderdale can be beneficial because they have expertise in this field and will know which methods work best for various types of businesses.

A digital marketing company can also help you utilize these trends to your advantage. They have the resources and expertise to take advantage of new opportunities, while minimizing risk so that your budget is not overextended.