6 Factors to Consider When Choosing LED Lights

LED Lights

Choosing new lights to light up your home? Whether it be for task lighting, brighter lights, saving some cash, or even for parties, LED’s are the way to go. 

Purchasing a light bulb is not as easy as it was before. There are so many choices now than ever for customers to pick. 

So, why LED among all other types of lights? LED lights are energy-efficient, uses no toxic chemicals, brighter, and have a longer lifespan. However, there are some elements that you need to consider before you purchase LED lights. 

So, here are the necessary factors you need to keep in mind when choosing LED lights. 

1. Brightness or Luminosity

First, it’s noteworthy to know the lumens. A ratio of the volume of light is a lumen. The quality is more significant, as the amount of luminous flux is necessary. The better-quality LED lights come with a brightness potency that is within 60 and 70 lumens.

A general rule for indoor lighting is having at least 10 to 20 lumens per square foot of your home. Your outdoor lighting should have at least 50 to 700 lumens. 

2. Consider the Wattage

LED lights can use low energy compared to regular fluorescent and incandescent bulbs. For instance, an incandescent light bulb can go up to 60 watts equals an LED light with only 12.5 watts. Wattage is a vital element to think about as it can save a vast amount of power usage and utility bills. 

3. The Color Temperature

The particular hue of the light released by a lamp connects to the color temperature. The bulb gives out the color temperature of the light that they display, rated in Kelvin. Lower Kelvin refers to the warmer brightness. 

The cool or daylight brightness ranges from 3500 Kelvin to 6500 Kelvin. Aside from the brightness of light, the various color temperatures can benefit certain areas of your workspace. For instance, white warm light is excellent for relaxing while cool white is good for focusing.

4. Great Features

It’s best to verify if the light bulb comes with a fitting heat capacity. Ensure that the light doesn’t produce so much heat. Although the particular design of LED lights emits less volume of heat, it’s best to double-check if they emit lower heat.

The best options for LED lights come with dimming capacities for mood and softer gleam. If you want a light that provides excellent illumination and adds a dramatic atmosphere to your room, then consider getting a LED light neon lamp. 

5. Quality and Certifications

A very critical factor to acknowledge is the quality of light. You should always buy from an LED light provider who is trustworthy and respected. Go for LED bulbs that come with higher elements and chips. 

6. Light Bulb Guarantee

Any guarantee given with a product adds to other benefits you, as a buyer, have under the consumer code. Check for a guarantee of two or three years for a light stating a 15,000 duration. An excellent estimate for data on duration testing is the warranty that a company is ready to give. 

Consider These Factors When Choosing LED Lights

LED lights have established themselves on cost-efficiency and stability over time. Your LED lighting setup can help you heighten the inside and outside of your house. You won’t regret choosing LED lights since they are more durable and last longer. 

Want to explore more topics or learn more about choosing LED lights? Then head to our home page and check out articles with various topics from real estate to lifestyle. 

Must Read : 8 Benefits Of Using Led Lights For Your Home and Business