5 Super Useful Tips for Inviting Guests to a Corporate Party

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Companies organize corporate parties for various reasons. A lot of the thinking for these parties goes into the decor, food, and the overall ambiance.

However, one should also pay attention to the invites they send to their guests for the party. And today, we will let you in on a few tips for sending invites to a corporate party. Let us take a look.

1. Categorize Your Guests

Corporate parties have different types of guests attending them. Firstly, you have your company bigshots. From CEOs to top-level executives, everyone will all be there. You might even have a few politicians attending the event.

Then there are local community leaders, and people with whom you do business. Finally, you have your employees and other people associated with the business. 

Categorizing your guests for sending invitations to the party serves one purpose. And that is to make sure that certain invitees feel important. While you will treat all your guests equally, some might want to feel special. You can easily do that via the invites you send them.

For instance, you can invite your employees and local community or business associates with a simple invite. Be it printed or digital, the invite itself will suffice in this regard. However, when inviting politicians, CEOs, and top-level executives from your company or another, you need to add something more to your invites. 

Changing what you write in the invites, or preparing different invites for each of them can be tedious. So instead, add a bouquet to go along with the invite. Another way to give them special treatment is by hand-delivering the invite yourself or through another company official. That is a common way people use to make others feel special about getting invited to an event.

2. Print vs Digital: Make the Right Choice

When sending an invite, one of the first decisions you have to make is whether to send a printed version or a digital one. Your choice of format will eventually come down to the style of your event. 

A casual corporate party, where you are simply having people over for a few drinks and dinner, can do with an e-vite. However, a formal party, such as a new product, service, or branch launch, will require a more formal invitation. In that case, printed invites are always better.

You should also take into account the type of people you are inviting. For instance, not everyone on your guest list is going to be tech-savvy. Some of them might not even have an email address or a social media account. In such cases, mailing a printed invite is always a better idea.

3. Use the Right Words

Invitations should always be short and sweet. Be it for a wedding or a formal business party, writing too much or using elaborate sentences will never look good. Hence, you must know what words to use when writing an invite. 

Here are a few useful pointers to help you get started:

  • Keep the tone casual or semi-formal
  • Start by stating the reason behind the party
  • Mention the date and venue
  • You should also talk about any special guests that might be gracing the event

4. Add a Personal Touch

Using a personalized signature on the invite is a nice way to add a personal touch to it. T make it look more intriguing you can get a few custom rubber stamps made from The StampMaker with your own artwork.

They can be like your office stamps, except customized with the event’s name or date and location. These high-quality stamps will help you put a fine touch on the invites, and make them look more special.

5. Include RSVP Instructions

Don’t get so lost in crafting the perfect invite that you forget to add the RSVP instructions. Otherwise, you won’t know who to expect at the party. 

RSVPing from an e-vite is relatively easier. Guests can reply to the mail to RSVP. If you are sending a printed invite, you can ask the guests to mail you their response.

However, that is a bit old-fashioned, and not everyone will have the time to get back to you via mail. So instead, add your phone number or email address, and they can write to you there or call you with their response.

And that is all you need to know about inviting guests to your corporate party. All this may seem like a lot of work, but they are necessary for ensuring perfection.

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